Author: Zacek el SerpentÃn
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•Holiday Creator Features
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SERP Lucky blocks is the ultimate lucky blocks Add-On, it allows you to craft a magic block that when you hit it will open and give way to any of multiple actions including traps, mobs, buildings, loots and potion effects! At the moment it has more than 110 programmed actions but many more will be added in the future!
Stuff made for this Add-On:
This girl will appear from time to time in your world selling Lucky Baskets for a couple of emeralds, very useful if you don't have materials to make your own lucky blocks! Your products will increase as the updates pass. LUCKY BASKET
The lucky basket can only be obtained through the Lucky dealer, it can be used through crafting and it will give you 6 lucky blocks!
Do you see this block? Record it well, because it wil be a fundamental tool for you
world from now on. By breaking it, either very good things or very bad things could happen. You can get enchanted netherite armor, good loot, buff potion effect. but you can also get poison effects, structure traps and malicious entities!
It's very dangerous. He hits hard and his attacks have different effects such as blindness, levitation, poison and wither, he jumps high and has a lot of health. However it can give quite juicy random rewards after killing it, it will only appear inside the Lucky blocks. LUCKY ALIEN
Gives minimal random rewards like dirt blocks, sticks, a single diamond, etc. It is very difficult to land a hit and they only appear in packs, their way of attacking is flying in a straight line and going down very fast. They only appear inside lucky blocks.
The Giant zombie is back, if it attacks you it will give you slowness, so you have to be careful of its blows. His rewards are the same as a normal zombie but in large portions.